Thursday, August 6, 2009

Salesman Mocks Customer and more....

Salesman Mocks CustomerSalesman Mocks Customer
When the customer changes his mind about buying a computer the salesman mocks him calling him a little girl
Posted in: 07/08/09 00:07:05
LG CommercialLG Commercial
Sitting down in front of his brand new TV to watch a concert this father sees his daughter in the crowd going wild. Oh my!
Posted in: 07/08/09 00:07:05
Donkey BombDonkey Bomb
Any game like the old Donkey Kong is a game well worth playing.
Posted in: 07/08/09 00:07:05
Car On A Kids Skate RampCar On A Kids Skate Ramp
The kids emptied the road but forgot to remove the ramp.. and the driver didnt see it either
Posted in: 07/08/09 00:07:05
George W Bush Collectors PlatesGeorge W Bush Collectors Plates
Now you can collect all of George W Bushs scandals and fuck ups on these wonderful colleters plates.
Posted in: 07/08/09 00:07:05

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