Friday, August 7, 2009

ATM Prank and more....

ATM PrankATM Prank
Free money! Money is left dangling out of an ATM and as people go to take it a hand pops out
Posted in: 08/08/09 00:07:05
Asteroid Hits EarthAsteroid Hits Earth
DOOOOMED! Were all doomed if this ever happens
Posted in: 08/08/09 00:07:05
Three Jet Engines On A SemiThree Jet Engines On A Semi
Yep! Jet Engines! They sure put on a spectacular display
Posted in: 08/08/09 00:07:05
So You Think You Can Dance In JapanSo You Think You Can Dance In Japan
Japanese always make thing a little bit weirder. What ever the subject is.
Posted in: 08/08/09 00:07:05
Car Crash And An Ice RoadCar Crash And An Ice Road
Icey roads are so dangerous! Check out the end where the women jumps from her car and nearly gets run down by another car.
Posted in: 08/08/09 00:07:05

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