Sunday, September 6, 2009

Kids Scared While Camping and more....

Kids Scared While CampingKids Scared While Camping
While in camp this kid scares too much. Stay home the other time kido.
Posted in: 07/09/09 00:07:04
Busted Up CarBusted Up Car
Well this aint roadworthy! Im kinda surprised such a beaten up car is still even running
Posted in: 07/09/09 00:07:04
Good Reason To Drink 7upGood Reason To Drink 7up
Ever wondered where all your bottled water came from
Posted in: 07/09/09 00:07:04
Medication With A Side EffectMedication With A Side Effect
Herpex treats herpes. and also lets you teleport
Posted in: 07/09/09 00:07:04
Creative Parking SolutionCreative Parking Solution
Ever found the only parking spot left is in front of a fire hydrant
Posted in: 07/09/09 00:07:04

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