Friday, July 3, 2009

Wasteland 2154 and more....

Wasteland 2154Wasteland 2154
Heres an awesome first person shooter where you pretty much lay waste to anything you see. Lots of fun.
Posted in: 04/07/09 00:07:03
Laugh Away Your AbsLaugh Away Your Abs
Oh my. Crazy and funny lady shows how you can laugh away your abs
Posted in: 04/07/09 00:07:03
Riot Police PrankRiot Police Prank
Unsuspecting people are asked to help out with a land survey and inadvertently become the leader of a big protest
Posted in: 04/07/09 00:07:03
Guys Make British Guard LaughGuys Make British Guard Laugh
We all know theyre inciredibly difficult to break but these guys managed to make this guard crack a smile
Posted in: 04/07/09 00:07:03
Good IntentionsGood Intentions
This guy gives the best response possible to the fathers question
Posted in: 04/07/09 00:07:03

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