Friday, June 5, 2009

The Importance Of Glasses and more....

The Importance Of GlassesThe Importance Of Glasses
Just one of those moments where it would have been nice to see properly
Posted in: 06/06/09 00:07:03
Hot Bikini GirlHot Bikini Girl
Uhmm. This girls hot shes in a bikini. Enjoy!
Posted in: 06/06/09 00:07:03
Perspective ChairPerspective Chair
Its not so comfortable reading in the park so he goes home and grabs a chair
Posted in: 06/06/09 00:07:03
Lactose IntolerantLactose Intolerant
A mouse is quick enough to take the cheese and chomps down on it
Posted in: 06/06/09 00:07:03
Viper CrashViper Crash
This learner driver was doing all fine and great until the brakes went out.
Posted in: 06/06/09 00:07:03

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