Friday, January 9, 2009

Reporters Having Bad Moments and more....

Reporters Having Bad MomentsReporters Having Bad Moments
Theyre either falling over getting attacked or thoroughly annoyed by a dog
Posted in: 09/01/09 00:00:22
Burn Me ElmoBurn Me Elmo
I dont know why but someone decided to burn their TMX elmo. Its kinda funny in a disturbing way .
Posted in: 09/01/09 00:00:22
Its Raining DearIts Raining Dear
A guy calls his wife over to see that its raining and now their plans are ruined.
Posted in: 09/01/09 00:00:22
F Word During The Traffic ReportF Word During The Traffic Report
Someones getting fired for this
Posted in: 09/01/09 00:00:22
Busted At WorkBusted At Work
Theyve recently installed software on the computers that monitor what sites their employees are visiting
Posted in: 09/01/09 00:00:22

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