Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Amazing Ventriloquist and more....

Amazing VentriloquistAmazing Ventriloquist
Apparently its very rare and difficult to find a ventriloquist singing
Posted in: 09/12/08 00:00:25
Redneck Car RampRedneck Car Ramp
You know your a reneck if...
Posted in: 09/12/08 00:00:25
Polly The Insulting ParrotPolly The Insulting Parrot
This is one rude parrot
Posted in: 09/12/08 00:00:25
Break Dancer RemixBreak Dancer Remix
Break Dancer Kicks the little girl remix
Posted in: 09/12/08 00:00:25
The Nut Cracker SkateboardThe Nut Cracker Skateboard
This is exactly why i dont skate board.
Posted in: 09/12/08 00:00:25

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