Saturday, April 5, 2008

Super Fast Stamp Lady and more....

Super Fast Stamp LadySuper Fast Stamp Lady
This lady needs a new hobby.
Posted in: 05/04/08 00:00:49
Portable Toilet PrankPortable Toilet Prank
Great prank had to take alot of work to get this all setup. Portable Toilet Prank
Posted in: 05/04/08 00:00:49
Beer EnimaBeer Enima
This is the most gross thing i have ever seen on the internet. Yes the beer goes up this guys ass. Yes the other guy drinks it. Dirty Sanchez
Posted in: 05/04/08 00:00:49
Kangaroo BoxingKangaroo Boxing
Good old classic kangaroo boxing matchup.
Posted in: 05/04/08 00:00:49
Dog Vs DrawerDog Vs Drawer
Little Kid keeps opening the drawer but the dog insists he wants it closed.
Posted in: 05/04/08 00:00:49

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